Sensory Journal
This is the perfect project for those who are suddenly finding the whole family back around the kitchen table. Create your own sensory journal inspired by the meals you make in a week. Give yourself space on each page to draw the meal you made, and list what you smelled (sweet aroma of baking cookie dough), tasted (sour pickles), heard (sizzling bacon) and saw (brightly colored vegetables) while preparing your meal. You can do one meal a day or all three, artist’s choice! The NY Times asked a chef to keep a journal for week. You can see her creation here.
Getting acquainted with our senses is a great way to engage all types of leaners and activate close looking skills. Careful looking is a tool that is helpful in any subject. Interested in knowing more about how turning on our senses can make us more engaged? Check out these fascinating articles here and here.
Suggested materials:
-9 Pieces of paper (your pages)
-Writing/drawing utensil(s)
-Hole punch and twine (to put your journal together)
-Tracing paper (if you have it, tracing paper can be a really simple way to make your journal cover look a bit more snazzy)
Check out my final creation below!
Happy Making!
“People who like to eat are always the best people”
— Julia Child